What are your hobbies and interests?
Almost anything outdoors. I'm rarely inside. Horseback riding, including Team penning and sorting. Camping, both with, and without horses. Canoeing. Quading. Hiking. Fishing.
How long have you lived on Vancouver Island?
We moved here when I was 1. Ive lived here ever since and don't plan on leaving. Why would I?
What do you love about living on Vancouver Island?
The immense variety of outdoor activities available all over the island. Be it fishing, hunting, mountaineering, swimming, skiing, it's all here at our doorstep. All we need to do is motivate ourselves to enjoy it.
How long have you been working in the water industry?
3 years
What do you enjoy or appreciate about your job?
The owner has a great work ethic, and believes in all his employees. He strives for success both personally, and within all his employees. The rewards in this industry are very satisfying. When a client doesn't have water, and we fix the problem, they're always very grateful.